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Supply Chain Logistics

Logistics solutions

Effective inventory management is essential for a profitable operation. Too much stock can lead to profit loss, while too little stock can cause production delays. Fabory offers innovative solutions to help you optimise your inventory management and reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). These solutions are designed to manage maintenance, repair, and production stock, providing flexibility and cost control while ensuring smooth production operations.

Customised solutions

Effective inventory management methods can vary greatly depending on the size and nature of your operations and the inventory-related demands and challenges that may arise. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for inventory management. Therefore, Fabory offers a range of options that can be tailored to your organisation with the help of our specialists.

After the chosen solution has been implemented, we will continue to support and collaborate with you to ensure everything runs smoothly and you benefit from our solutions. All software, hardware, and support are delivered through Fabory, allowing you to focus on your core business while actively participating.

Leading companies that have chosen this innovative path to inventory management report numerous tangible benefits, including:

Measurable cost savings on stock, through different integration levels your stock is immediately available at the production line in the various Kanban solutions if desired.
Increased employee productivity thanks to our Fabory Logic solutions. By placing our solution close to you employees and production, your employees can save a lot of time when picking and searching for the products.
With all Fabory Logic Solutions, additional digital integration solutions are available. Integration with Fabory allows you to reduce billing and labour costs by reducing processing time for backorders, eliminating shipping costs for express freight, and preventing emergency runs to replenish fast-moving consumables.

Optimal supply chain, minimal TCO

Fabory provides a wide range of products and supports you in developing and producing your product, integrating logistics solutions, and digitising purchasing processes. By working together, we aim to optimise the supply chain and minimise the total cost of ownership. Our specialists at Fabory are happy to share their knowledge and expertise with you.

Total Cost of Ownership

In many cases, up to 80% of a product's total cost is not the cost of the product itself but rather the costs associated with processes such as purchasing, stock handling, internal logistics, and administrative work. Less inventory can also result in significant costs for companies, which could be spent more efficiently. Our Fabory Logic solutions, including RFID, Weight Scale, and Optical bin in combination with Onsite Merchandising activities, are designed to help you control your inventory and reduce operating costs, ultimately making your company more profitable. In addition to the logistic solutions mentioned earlier, Fabory provides various distribution solutions to further optimise the production process. Contact us for more information, and let's discuss how we can increase your company's profitability.

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Kitting is the customer-specific packaging of several separate items in one package as a set. Fabory can create a customised package that is delivered as a unit.

De voordelen van kitting

Assembling effortlessly: Fabory puts together a customized package that is shipped as a single unit. Including labels that meet the requirements of your production process.
Prevent waste: separate, but related items are grouped, packaged and delivered as one assembly unit, regardless of size.
Easily re-order stock items: one item number includes all the parts needed to assemble a product. This reduces the number of item numbers you need to manage and the number of items you need to re-order.

Welke besparingen levert Kitting u concreet op?

  • Verklein de voorraad en beschik met minder moeite op de juiste plek en op het juiste tijdstip over de juiste producten in de juiste aantallen.
  • Verhoog de productiviteit door het aantal handelingen terug te dringen en over duidelijke productinformatie te beschikken door etikettering.
  • Verbeter de efficiëntie van uw administratieve processen doordat elke kit slechts één artikelnummer heeft.

Tailor-made kitting

Fabory offers customised solutions when it comes to Kitting. Depending on your company and ordering process, we can assemble Kits for production, during assembly, and even for "after-market" applications. Kitting in large series is also no problem. The kit's packaging is customer-specific and can be done according to your needs, for example, in a plastic case or special containers. Sealants on pallets are also possible. Fabory's specialists will help you understand the added value of Kitting for your enterprise.

Implementation by Fabory

Fabory helps you implement the Kitting service. We will deliver all your parts in one assembly unit according to your requirements and the sequence of your production processes. Fabory specialists will help you optimise inventory levels and eliminate unnecessary costs and waste within your company.

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Kitting aanschaffen

Neem contact op met uw contactpersoon bij Fabory voor meer informatie over hoe Kitting u kan helpen uw montagelocatie beter in te richten en te optimaliseren. De specialisten van Fabory staan u bij om de toegevoegde waarde van Kitting voor uw bedrijf inzichtelijk te maken.

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RFID Smart Shelf

Our RFID Smart Shelf solution is your key to efficient inventory management. It reduces costs, increases productivity, and ensures accuracy by minimising errors. Place an empty bin on the RFID shelf, and the automated system will take care of re-ordering and delivery. Our on-site merchandiser can refill the bin if needed, further enhancing the system's reliability, which you can count on.

With MyFabory, you have 24/7 insight into consumption and access to online order status and history.

Read more about the RFID Smart Shelf

Wist u dat…

  • De RFID oplossing zeer betrouwbaar is.
  • 85% van de logistieke oplossingen dankzij RFID geautomatiseerd is.
  • RFID de productiviteit van de inkoopafdeling verhoogt.
  • RFID zorgt voor een automatische re-ordering (dagelijks, wekelijks, tweewekelijks) en 24/7 realtime rapportage.
  • RFID zorgt voor minder transportkosten en dus minder CO2 uitstoot.
  • RFID oplossing zeer flexibel is en overal te plaatsen is in de productie.

RFID installeren

Neem contact op met uw contactpersoon bij Fabory voor meer informatie over hoe RFID u kan helpen uw voorraadlocaties beter in te richten en te beheren. De specialist van Fabory staat u bij om de toegevoegde waarde van RFID voor uw bedrijf inzichtelijk te maken.

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Optical Bin

Well-organised stock management can improve your productivity. Removing an empty bin from our Optical Bin rack automatically generates an order to restock your inventory. Our Merchandiser can restock the bin on-site, saving you time and effort and preventing errors. The MyFabory platform gives you real-time access to online ordering, order status, order history, and consumption reporting.

De voordelen van Optical Bin

  • Bespaar tijd en moeite: door lege bins uit het Optical Bin-rek te halen, wordt er automatisch een nabestelling gedaan.
  • Beheer uw Total Cost of Ownership: profiteer van een geoptimaliseerde en flexibele leveringsfrequentie die aansluit bij uw productieplanning. Ook is het mogelijk gebruik te maken van onze aanvuldiensten op locatie. Zo beschikt u met minder moeite op de juiste plek en op het juiste tijdstip over de juiste producten.
  • Voorkom productiestop: houd voorraadniveaus per locatie 24/7 bij. Via het online My Fabory platform heeft u 24/7 inzichten in de verbruiken.
Bespaar tijd en moeite: door lege bins uit het Optical Bin-rek te halen, wordt er automatisch een nabestelling gedaan.
Beheer uw Total Cost of Ownership: profiteer van een geoptimaliseerde en flexibele leveringsfrequentie die aansluit bij uw productieplanning. Ook is het mogelijk gebruik te maken van onze aanvuldiensten op locatie. Zo beschikt u met minder moeite op de juiste plek en op het juiste tijdstip over de juiste producten.
Voorkom productiestop: houd voorraadniveaus per locatie 24/7 bij. Via het online My Fabory platform heeft u 24/7 inzichten in de verbruiken.

Welke besparingen levert Optical Bin u concreet op?

Met de Optical Bin service bespaart u tijd en geld op de volgende punten:

  • Verhoog de productiviteit van uw personeel dankzij een goed georganiseerde voorraadbeheer.
  • Door simpelweg een lege bin te verwijderen, wordt een bestelling gecreëerd om uw voorraad aan te vullen. Hierdoor bespaart u tijd, moeite en voorkomt u fouten.
  • Toegang tot de online bestelstatus en geschiedenis via MyFabory.

Meerdere integratieniveaus

Afhankelijk van de grootte van uw bedrijf en het bestelproces binnen uw organisatie, bepalen we welke voorraad- en bestelactiviteiten u Fabory wilt laten uitvoeren. Neemt Fabory het bestellen, het inruimen of beide activiteiten op zich? Samen bepalen we wat het beste voor uw bedrijf werkt en wat u de meeste tijd en moeite bespaart.


Order items with labels containing the information you want to see. Some of the standard options include speeding up your inbound process by scanning barcodes or having your item numbers printed on a label with your company logo. Do you have other specific requirements or needs? No problem. Together with our specialists, we can determine the layout and details to increase efficiency.

De voordelen van labeling

Re-ordering stock items: receive custom barcode labels for the products in your inventory.
Create stock lists to keep track of how often you use Fabory stock items. Place orders by reading the information from the barcode labels.
Place orders by reading the information from the barcode labels.
Save time: after labeling your stock with the correct item numbers, there is no need to look up the item numbers in the catalogue every time you want to place an order.

What savings does labelling provide you with specifically?

  • A quick insight into your stock levels due to the well-organised warehouse.
  • Use your stock lists with the Fabory part numbers to make an order and reduce the number of incorrectly ordered items.

Support from Fabory

We have provided you with the first barcode labels and demonstrated their use. If you are having trouble, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We can also handle this step by printing the barcode labels, which will be shipped the same day.

Purchasing labelling

Contact your contact at Fabory to learn more about how Labeling can help you organise your warehouse and increase your efficiency. Fabory specialists will deliver the barcode labels so you can get started immediately.

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Onsite Merchandising

Let us simplify your purchasing process with Fabory's Onsite Merchandising service. Managing your inventory is easy, giving you complete control with minimal effort.

Benefits of Onsite Merchandising:

  • Order your stock items quickly and easily: Fabory places the order and then stores the delivered items in the right place at your location.

  • Streamline your purchasing process: After Fabory's Onsite Merchandiser scans the articles according to the agreed inventory level, you will receive an order confirmation. You can always get insight into your order history via MyFabory. This empowers you to make quick and well-considered decisions about your stock levels. We reduce your workload while maintaining control.
  • Save time: reduce the time your employees spend on inventory management so they can concentrate more on their core tasks. Your inventory manages itself almost automatically.

What specific savings will Onsite Merchandising bring you?

  • A dedicated Onsite Merchandiser from Fabory monitors your inventory levels and puts the delivered items in place.

  • By having Fabory's Onsite Merchandiser scan periodically, you are always assured of the correct stock.
  • Reduces the amount of paperwork.
Depending on the size of your company and the ordering process within your organisation, we determine which stock and ordering activities you want Fabory to perform. Fabory can take care of the actual ordering, the clearing or both. Together, we will determine what works best for your company and what will save you the most time and effort. 

Ondersteuning van Fabory

Wij helpen u met de implementatie. We leveren barcodelabels en optimaliseren uw voorraadruimte voor de producten van Fabory. Ons jaarlijks Dynamic Control Stock-rapport geeft u een helder inzicht in uw verbruik en helpt u uw voorraadniveaus te optimaliseren en kosten te besparen.

Fabory app 

Fabory offers FastScan Self-Service and automated RFID, Optical, and Weight Scale solutions. This manageable, efficient, and future-proof method gives you complete control over inventory management while enjoying the convenience of a digital solution. With FastScan, you can scan a barcode using an Opticon scanner, smartphone, or tablet and quickly and easily order the product.

Read Meggson's customer experience.

The advantages of the Fabory app 

  • Save time by shopping easily and quickly via smartphone or tablet.
  • FastScan makes it possible to order online 24/7 via the app.
  • No internet? No worries. You can scan products offline and place your order as soon as you are back online.

How does FastScan work?

  • Go to the AppStore or Play Store and download the Fabory app.
  • Log in with your webshop account.
  • Scan the barcode and add the product to your shopping cart. You can adjust the amounts here.
  • Place your order, and we will work on it immediately.


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